2. 4. 2020

2020 festival cancelled

Dear friends and fans of our frog merry-go-round,

We have reached a point, where we are forced to make a decision, whether this year’s festival will be happening. And as you know, the situation is, what it is. It seems the pandemic is under control in the Czech Republic, however, we feel that events such as our festival, with a number of foreign guests, are far from happening.

And so with a big frog’s tear in the eye we are announcing that this year’s UFO BUFO 2020 will not be happening.

We have been preparing a number of new features and we plan to keep them up our sleeve for next year. And also – it doesn’t mean we will linger. This year we will still be working on new decorations as well as festival grounds. On the other hand, our team has two new-borns and so at least the parents can give them all their attention.

If you have already purchased your ticket, we would be really happy if you kept it for next year. This way, we will be able to realize some of the ideas we have been planning even this year.

Nevertheless, we understand that the current situation may influence you financially and therefore you also have the opportunity to claim your money back. To do so, please send an email to tickets@ufobufo.eu and your money will be refunded.

We look forward to seeing you next year and wish you good health and peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

Please save the new date: 24.-27.6.2021