we’re happy to announce that preparations for UFO BUFO 2022 are now in full swing.
We appreciate your support of the festival in the sense that you kept the tickets you bought and endured the period when, based on the anti-pandemic measures and the situation at the time, we decided that it did not make sense to organize the 2020 and 2021 editions. The main reason was the practically scarce opportunity to present performers from all over the world, which is what our festival is based on. After all, you undoubtedly counted on such a level of production when you bought your ticket and this is what we will finally serve this year – 2022.
With this email we are addressing the owners of the tickets, which price was calculated practically at the end of 2018(!). In December 2018 we started selling tickets for the 2019 edition and we have decided later not to raise the price for the 2020 edition.
On 1.10.2019 the pre-sale for UFO BUFO 2020 started with the unchanged price. The situation with COVID became problematic and everything resulted in the decision not to organize the festival and to hold the validity of tickets for the next edition.
A year later the situation did not look much stable either, moreover, the COVID measures were different in different parts of the world and when booking foreign guests no one could be sure that the person in question would be really able to come to the Czechia for the festival. After all, the willingness of the artists to promise such performances was not very great either.
This year, everything seems reasonable, but in the current situation, where the budget has been greatly affected by the interconnected situation “after” COVID, the rapid increase in energy prices and the war in Ukraine, we found that the budget set for the 2019 edition is completely out of comparison, because everything has a completely different price tag today, ranging from all the services to fuel.
We did not want to break the promise of validity of the tickets, so we were forced to adjust the prices of the newly sold tickets and we’ve agreed to make this appeal:
We would be grateful if you could help us with the situation by making a voluntary donation to our bank account listed at the end of this statement.
Thank you for your support. Please note that the tickets purchased for the 2020 and 2021 editions are valid for the 2022 edition, regardless of whether you send us your support or not.
Thank you!
UFO BUFO festival team
Support in EUR:
IBAN: CZ7920100000002301496133
Account owner: Spolek ŽabArt, Plynární 1634/7, 702 00 Ostrava
Bank address: Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, Praha 1, 117 21, Czech Republic
Support in CZK: (only from the Czech bank please)
Festival on Facebook: